Planet. One People.
Workers, not 'Stars' [Victor Jara]
Notes from the Frontline #1
Hey Everyone,
Caramba! August already. And I’m 74 in a few
days’ time. Is that possible?! Coming here 28 years ago in a stumbling effort to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with
these impoverished people made ‘The Poor’ by my greedy UK/US lifestyle, never
thought I’d make 60 let alone 70! Well, 150 next stop! Largely thanks to you,
my dear family and family of friends. Without your support all these years I
probably would’ve snuffed it long since. My birthday will be spent remembering
and thanking you all (not to mention all The Poor from our barrio who literally
donated me life with their very blood when I needed a full transfusion a couple
of years ago).
If I never thought I’d still be here, I
certainly never expected to be so happy. These are astonishing times in
Nicaragua - immense problems still of course, but fresh winds, lifting. For
today’s Nicaragua is part of one of the great experiments in human history,
ALBA. ALBA (‘Dawn’), the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of our America, is
a trading block founded on solidarity and justice rather than individualism and
dog-eat-dog, and it maintains itself by peace, not war. (See Nicaragua Solidarity
Campaign UK video:
Is ALBA perhaps humanity
finally beginning to grow up, the Two-Thirds World offering our Me-First World a
working model to enable us to re-connect with one another, with other
countries, with the very planet? (5% GDP growth says ALBA even works by
capitalism’s own truncated yardstick).
From Death Squad LA years ago I used to
send out Letters from the Frontline’: exiled Salvadorans, Yanira and
co., Victor Jara. In these newly-stirring times, I thought to resurrect
them. So, true to form, I began battering out a great screed. However, since
nowadays one hardly has time even to open attachments much less read them, I’m
chopping the purple prose into email-sized bites. So this is a first edition ‘Nicaragua:
Notes from the Frontline’. It’s also attached in case you can share it
around, and will soon be blogged. Hope you’ll find it of interest – at
least it’ll be positive when hope is in pretty short supply. If you don’t want
it, just let me know - we’ll send the heavy mob round.
swore I wouldn’t wooter on. So let’s stop. But looking at that original screed
things really are pretty exciting over ħere; there’s plenty to
discuss: ALBA, climate change, women’s representation, the betrayed
wonder of cellphones, new songs, what Yanira’s up to these days (clue: ‘Mother
Jones’), Joel, family doings … happiness even! Oh, and how could I
forget? Nicaragua’s plans for ‘El Gran Canal’, a mega coast-to-coast job even
larger than Panama’s; plus the 40th anniversary of the
Pinochet/Kissinger coup in Chile, and Victor´s murder. 9/11 2013.
Would love it
if you’d feel able to respond from time to time, especially with helpful hints
on undoing global warming by next week, especially with your own news.
Practical ideas (especially), more/other information, requests, discussion,
disagreement (even!), all welcome. Sorry
to have to send these ‘Notes’ out
broadside, but I’ll certainly try to respond individually. Meantime, much love
from us all, and thanks again for all your own work and loving support.
Fátima, Joel, Tia Suzy,
Paul and all the Nica-gang.
PS. Why ‘Frontline’?
Well, even beyond ALBA’s radical challenge to business as usual (not to mention
the Grand Canal), wee Nicaragua is right smack in the path of a climate change
perfect storm, whipped up primarily by US/Euro abuse of the very resources they
extorted from Nicaragua/the “Third World” in the first place- 3-5 degrees C
hotter/25% less rain by time our 15 year-old, Joel, is my age. (Managua,
hotter? Is that possible??!!). Thus our beloved Nicaragüita is part of
humanity’s frontline every which way - a time and place where our worst
nightmares and our loveliest dreams collide.
News/analysis from Nicaragua/Latin America [Nicaragua] – [USA] – [UK]
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