Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Please join our Echoes of Silence Blog

This first published in 2012. Same thing (cancellation) happened again this year. Now determined to make first ever UK Christmas for our Joe(l) - present for his 15th birthday October 9th. [Nicaragua's version of UK/USA's 18/21th.  See you then. Please get that snow ordered, in due  moderation - we will have a speaking/singing tour to not get bogged down for. (Excitingly, we'll be doing a double act, Joe on Nica-adolescent life and his barrio organizing work around AIDS, me Latin America forming/offering the world ALBA, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, based on cooperation, justice, beauty. Also, Justice for Victor Jara campaign: get jailed killers properly tried and celebrating Joan his wife who has worked 40 long years for justice/disseminated the beauty of his songs. What's not to like? We'll be in UK/US all January if a) can find fares, b) get gigs. So sign us up now, with dishy young Joe on board, we'll be booked solid by tomorrow! We do it all: large/small, lecture/discussion/concert, all January.  Please write to book us on paulbaker2004@yahoo.com or FB Joel Anthony Baker Hernandez. Thanks, see you this time!]

Dear Friends and Family

All the Nicaraguan branch of this our One World family, sends you greetings and love; and thanks for the ongoing solidarity through which we together are slogging out the beginnings of a new, more sane, more beautiful, sustainable world order.

Joel (already 14!) and I had planned to come on UK tour this coming January to share news of  the exciting things going on in Nicaragua /Latin America, and so that Joe (as he now prefers) could get more to grips with his English family/European heritage (we'd even planned a side-trip to Le Tour Eiffel). However, the ongoing effects of the criminal bankers – global and intensely personal – have shut that possibility down. For now, at least. We hope to re-organise for summer 2013, stringing together summer festivals and other gigs sufficient to cover the vicious air fares (currently around £3,600 for the two of us - by summer, God knows!! All frequent flyer miles gratefully received.

Realising how much we depended on these regular trips to keep you informed, and suspecting that not everyone waits with bated breath for Paul's latest Facebook pontificating, seems like a good time to inaugurate this Echoes of Silence blog. Past time, even. 
So here goes. Typically, I've inaugurated the thing just before bed. However, understanding is that this is an open forum, and a great advantage is that others will be able to speak within it. So, sun just rising on you UKers, let's be hearing from you too.
Just a taster or two. Wow! Those elections!! Our America, not theirs. The FSLN won 134 out of 153 municipalities, including all main cities. There's this. Then there's our wee Daniela just having yet more puppies; that Rebeca's two-year-old Sami looks like being the new George Best; that I've got to prepare for a tv presentation tomorrow (Wednesday 14th); that there's bed and sleep.  But before all else, this is an amazing time to be here: together Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua et al, are putting together a continent-wide 'fair trade' system (ex. US & Canada) that might well serve as model to replace carastrophic consumerism everywhere.  Better go before fall off cha .. i ..rrr. 'Night. 

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