Monday, 25 November 2013

De visita con Victor y L@s 'Ningun Nombres - 'Visiting Victor and the 'No Names'

Cementerio General Santiago. 25 November

Me fui visitar a Victor. Went to visit Victor. Buscando su tumba pase por el Patio 29. Looking for his tomb went by graveyard 29. Que lugar mas triste! One of the saddest places I've ever seen.
Patio 29 es donde estan l@s 'Ningun Nombres'. Plot 29 is where the nameless ones: the 'No Names', are buried. Los militares no permitieron a sus familias inscribir ni sus nombres. The military wouldn't even permit people to inscribe their names. Viven para siempre en el corazon de su seres querid@s. They live forever in the hearts of their dear ones. Hize un videocito en medio de las y los sin nombres a su honor. Victor me presto las flores que traje para el. Made a wee video standing among the 'No Name' graves to honour them all. Victor told me to give them the flowers I brought for him.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Santiago de Chile
Thursday 21st November

Tomorrow we're going to record "I Thought I Heard Sweet Victor, Singing/Pense oir al dulce Victor cantar tomorrow in Fundacion Victor Jara here, bringing full circle this song which began in Joan and Victor's garden here nearly 20 years ago. Loads of Chilean musicians joining in; particularly wonderful is a choir of people who somehow managed to survive Pinochet's torture chambers and who now sing out for freedom and justice. They used to sing to new prisoners coming from the torture. to welcome them into their community of love and strength. More soon.

Indiegogo: Well, so much for 'embedding'. This link seems to work better. Do spread it as widely as you can. We're touring on borrowed cash right now!  Thanks.'
Hey All,

Have launched an indiegogo crowdfunding (friendfunding better) thingy.  They said to 'embed' the goobledegook below here, so good luck.

<iframe src="" width="224px" height="486px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Thursday, 14 November 2013


Parece cualquiera casa pero era un centro de tortura bajo Pinochet, lugar de horror espantoso. Habian mas que mil en todo Chile. Cantamos "Pense oir al dulce Victor ... Cantar" en los escombros de la casa de Ñuñoa. No podia dejar de llorar.
El marido de Monica fue 'desaparido' en una tal casa. Despues de su exilio ella regreso con su nuevo compañero holandes en 1989. En 1990 chocaron a su taxi desde los dos lados simultaneamente. Se murio su compa al instante. Ella anda renca todavia pero se dedica a la lucha para la justicia para tod@s y para mantener su memoria. [fotos abajo]

CHILE DAY 6. HOUSE OF MEMORIES, ÑUÑOA. This nondescript house was actually a torture centre under Pinochet, a place of unspeakable horror. There were more than 1000 such places throughout Chile. Tony and I sang "I Thought I Heard Sweet Victor ... Singing" on the site of the Ñuñoa torture centre. I couldn't stop crying.
Monica's husband was disappeared into one such. Exiled to Holland she came back with her Dutch companion after Chile's 'return to democracy' in 1989. In 1990 their taxi was smashed into from both sides at once. Her compa was killed outright. Monica still limps but dedicates her life to the struggle for justice for all the victims and to maintain their memory. Banner: 'They live on in those who carry on the struggle'


Monday, 11 November 2013